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Senior Software Engineer from Somewhere with skill sets,

  • DevOps with Jenkins/Pipeline and tool development
  • Test Framework Development
  • Test Automation
  • Java/GO/Python/Angular Development

Frameworks & Platforms

  • Spring & Spring Boot
  • Docker
  • Microservice
  • Jenkins & Pipeline
  • Git & GitHub Enterprise
  • Angular/Tool


  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

Work Experience

2015/07 - Now Dell EMC

  • 2019/06 - 2020/04 IBID Performance Tuning (DevOps Tool Development)

    • Migrate single instance MySQL to InnoDB cluster
    • Containerized the APP, UWSGI, Nginx with Docker
    • HAS with Linux LVS keepalived VRRP(in progress)
  • 2018/11-2019/01 Product Build Virus Scan Service (DevOps Tool Development)

    Develop build virus scan service with Spring Boot, Kafka and Docker to support product build artifacts virus scan,

    • Move the virus scan out from the build process, only send the ibid id to the Kafka topic to trigger the virus scan service, and to reduce the build time

    • Enable it as a GitHub PR mandatory checker

  • 2018/08-2019/07 New Dependency Management Build System based on Jenkins Pipeline & Gradle New dependency management build system with Jenkins multibranch pipeline and Gradle (DevOps Tool Development)

    • Use Gradle to manage dependency between multiple components
    • Support distributed and local build
    • Use Artifactory as Http remote cache
    • Use Jenkins shared library pipeline and configuration driven multibranch pipeline to support different business purpose build and different flavor builds
  • 2018/06-2018/10 Code Analysis with Sonarqube to replace Coverity (DevOps Jenkins Pipeline development)

    • Set Jenkins job to analyze the product C/C++, Java code regularly
    • Set Jenkins job to create tickets for Sonarqube issue automatically
    • Manage the Sonarqube main branch for every release
  • 2017/1-2017/07 Migrate non-core product builds from EC to Jenkins (DevOps Jenkins Pipeline development)

    Use Jenkins pipeline to rewrite the build logic to replace EC build system.

  • 2016/05-2018/06 IBID Build Data Management (DevOps tool development)

    This project is an internal project used by Devops to gather build information for all Devops build system. I am the key developer to design, implement, deploy.

    • Developed with Python Flask, MySQL
    • Deployed with UWSGI, Nginx
  • 2015/07-2016/05 Build Portal (DevOps tool development)

    The project is a supplement of the EC build system to provide users with permission based build management, build statistics, and scheduled report generation. It’s developed with Java, Spring and SOA.

2013/07 - 2015/06 Software Engineering, SAP Nanjing Innovation Center

  • 2014/06 - 2015/06 Java Backend Developer

    SAP Insurance provides a solution for the insurance industry developed by JAVA. Act as a developer in our scrum team, and responsible for module’s design, document’s writing. And, also do development and testing. This project is a global project, so, has experience with the overseas team to cooperation complete the project.

  • 2014/02 - 2014/05 SAP Hana Platform Backend Service Developer

    IOC project provides the capability for city traffic government to monitor and view the traffic conditions of city roads. It analyzes the GPS data of taxi and city 320 camera data and modeling the data (convert it to OD data), based on the traffic zone and OD data to monitor the traffic conditions of the city.

    • The travel pattern of each two traffic zones
    • The key route of each two traffic zones
    • Statistical Analysis the traffic of each traffic zone
    • Monitor the track of each vehicle of 320 data
  • 2013/07 - 2014/01 SAP Hana Platform Backend Service Developer

    Analysis the OD travel pattern of the city taxi data and divide the zone which has similar travel pattern into a traffic zone. Based on traffic zones, to analyze the travel trips and pattern of two traffic zones and can support the government to plan the city construction.

    • Use open street map and image processing to extract the city’s street blocks
    • Convert all the OD GPS points to tile, and calculate the origin traffic zone, then mapping with the street block to generate the natural traffic zone
    • Use the matrix diagram to directly show the traffic of each two traffic zones
    • Use chord, pulse, chain diagram to show the traffic of each two traffic zones

2012/07-2013/06 Intern, SAP Nanjing Innovation Center

IT Skills

Computer Languages

  • Java
  • Python
  • SQL
  • Javascript
  • Groovy
  • Golang
  • Jenkins


  • CET-6


  • Southeast University, Master in Software Engineering, 09, 2011 - 07, 2013
  • Harbin Institute of Technology, Bachelor in Software Engineering, 09, 2006 - 07, 2010


  • Master's National Scholarship, 2012

My Creations