Jenkine Pipeline Basic Usage
Jenkins pipeline is groovy based DSL, we can use groovy to access the Jenkins instance, and access its project job, or even builds.
In order to access the Jenkins instance, we need to import its class.
Here are some basics, * find a jobdef job = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName('project name')
For free style job, its class is hudson.model.FreeStyleProject
. * list its build
def builds = job.builds
The class of the builds is hudson.util.RunList<hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild>
. * get build's parameters as a HashMap
def paras = build.actions.find{ it instanceof ParametersAction }?.parameters
def map = new java.util.HashMap<String, String>()
for (def p : paras) {
map.put(, p.value)
return map
- get build's environment variables (depends on EnvInject plugin)