Spring MyBatis
Simple Configurations
- mybatis.mapper-location = classpath_:mapper/_*/.xml
- mybatis.type-aliases-package = type alias' package name
- mybatis.type-handlers-package = type handler package name
- mybatis.configuration.map-underscore-to-camel-case = true
Mapper's Definition and Scan
configures scan location@Mapper
defines interface- Mapping definition (XML and anotation)
public interface CoffeeMapper {
@Insert("insert into t_coffee (name, price, create_time, update_time)"
+ "values (#{name}, #{price}, now(), now())")
@Options(useGeneratedKeys = true) // return the new id
int save(Coffee coffee);
@Select("select * from t_coffee where id = #{id}")
@Result(id = true, column = "id", property = "id"),
@Result(column = "create_time", property = "createTime"),
// map-underscore-to-camel-case = true 可以实现一样的效果
// @Result(column = "update_time", property = "updateTime"),
Coffee findById(@Param("id") Long id);