Enum in Java
Enum in java is a data type which contains a fixed set of constants. In enum, we can also add variables, methods and constructors. Some common examples of enums are: days of week, colors, excel report columns etc.
Enum Characteristics
enum constants are static and final implicitly
enum improves type safety
num can be declared inside or outside of a class
enum can have fields, constructors (private) and methods
enum cannot extend any class because it already extends Enum class implicitly but it can implement many interfaces
We can use enum in switch statement
We can have main() method inside an enum
enum has values(), ordinal() and valueOf() methods.
values() return an array containing all values present inside enum, ordinal() method returns the index of given enum value and valueOf() method returns the value of given constant enum
enum can be traversed
enum can have abstract methods
enum cannot be instantiated because it contains private constructor only
The constructor is executed for each enum constant at the time of enum class loading
While defining enum, constants should be declared first, prior to any fields or methods, or else compile time error will come
Abstract Method in Enum
We can define an abstract method in an enum, and let each enum constant to implement it, let's look at an example.
public enum EnumAbsMethod {
String getValue() {
return "A";
}, B("b"){
String getValue() {
return "B";
EnumAbsMethod(String val) {
this.value = val;
String value;
abstract String getValue();
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (var en : EnumAbsMethod.values()) {
The output:
Implement Interface
We can define an interface, and let the enum to implement the interface.
the enum can implement the interface method in enum class, or
let the each constant to implement the interface method
Let's look at the example.
interface StringOperation {
String getDescription();
String apply(String input);
public enum EnumImpInterface implements StringOperation {
Trim("trim string") {
public String apply(String input) {
return input.trim();
}, Reverse("reverse string") {
public String apply(String input) {
return new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString();
String desc;
EnumImpInterface(String desc) {
this.desc = desc;
public String getDescription() {
return desc;
public static void main(String[] args) {
var strArr = Arrays.asList(" abc ", " bdc");
for (var str : strArr) {
for (StringOperation strOp : EnumImpInterface.values()) {
System.out.println(String.format("origin: '%s', apply '%s'->'%s'", str, strOp.getDescription(), strOp.apply(str)));
The output:
origin: ' abc ', apply 'trim string'->'abc'
origin: ' abc ', apply 'reverse string'->' cba '
origin: ' bdc', apply 'trim string'->'bdc'
origin: ' bdc', apply 'reverse string'->'cdb '
How to extend an enum without changing the enum
Sometimes, we may want to extend an enum which is provided by third-party library. Hence, we can't change the source code, but we still can extend it in the following way.
Let's look at the example.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;
// third-party enum
enum ThirdPartyEnum {
Trim, Reverse;
interface EnumStrOperator {
String apply(String input);
public class EnumExt {
private static final Map<ThirdPartyEnum, EnumStrOperator> ENUM_OP_MAP = new EnumMap<>(ThirdPartyEnum.class);
static {
ENUM_OP_MAP.put(ThirdPartyEnum.Trim, String::trim);
ENUM_OP_MAP.put(ThirdPartyEnum.Reverse, input -> new StringBuilder(input).reverse().toString());
public String applyThirdPartyEnumOp(ThirdPartyEnum en, String input) {
return ENUM_OP_MAP.get(en).apply(input);
public static void main(String[] args) {
var app = new EnumExt();
var strArr = Arrays.asList(" abc ", " bdc");
for (var str : strArr) {
for (var en : ThirdPartyEnum.values()) {
System.out.println(String.format("origin: '%s', apply '%s'->'%s'", str, en.name(), app.applyThirdPartyEnumOp(en, str)));
The output: