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The rest-test command line tool is used to test and validate REST API.


  • YAML based test definition and validation
  • Test Plan -> Test Suite -> Test Case
  • Optimized for JSON, file and plain response body
  • JSON response Body value filter
  • Support JSON path value filter
  • Support gval expression
  • Customized gval operators
    • string convert a number, boolean value to string
    • int convert a number string to int
    • float convert a number string to float
    • bool convert a number, string, list and map to bool
    • len get length of a string, a map or a slice/array
    • contain check whether an element in a list or map. Check whether a string is a substring of another string
  • JavaScript to evaluate values
  • YAML report


Download the latest release from rest release.

./rest -h
Usage of ./rest:
  -level string
        log level. levels: debug, info(default), warn, error (default "info")
  -logPath string
        log path
  -plan string
        a test plan
  -suite string
        a test suite

JSON Path, gval, JavsScript and Validators


JSON path and gval are only used in the key of validators.

  • JSON path can be used to get JSON value.

    You can check it here JSON Path specification.

    You can test it here JSON Path Test. You need write a JSON and click format, then you'll see the JSON path field.

  • gval

    GO's JSON path implementation PaesslerAG/jsonpath is integrated with PaesslerAG/gval, so we can use both the functionalities from JSON path and gval.

  • JavaScript

    JavaScript is based on dop251/goja, it used to process HTTP request/response body, environment variable value expand, and validators value expand

  • Validators

    Validators is a JSON based JSON path validators, the syntax is like below.

    # top level is a list, then it will be converted to {"and": [...,...]}
      - $.id : ${}
      - len($.child): 5

    Each validator key will be handled with gval, JSON path and customized operators. Each validator value will be expaned with JavaScript.

    The above equals to the following.

    # top level is a list, then it will be converted to {"and": [...,...]}
        - $.id : ${}
        - len($.child): 5

    A complex example.

      - $.entryCount: 2
      - $.entries[0].id: ${}
      - $.entries[1].id: ${}
      - or:
          - $.entries[0].name: 'test'
          - $.entries[1].name: 'test2'


Rest API test supports test plan, test suite and test case.


  • Test minial execution is test suite
  • Test plan contains one or more test suites
  • Test suite contains one or more test cases
  • Test case define a minial execution unit, including

    • The HTTP request definition
    • The HTTP response validation definition

Test Case

HTTP Request Definition

Here is a simple Test Case definition with static body
- desc: create a github server # the test case description
  enabled: true # indicate whether this test case is enabled or not, by default, it's true
  name: create # this defines a name for the test case, a named test case allow to reference this test case's request and response data in later test case
  environment: # define the test case environments
    API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api/rest
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github # the HTTP Request URL, it supports environment expand. For example: ${API_PREFIX}/github. Where API_PREFIX is an environment variable `API_PREFIX=http://localhost:8080/api/rest`.
    method: POST # define the HTTP method
      name: xxx # the URL parameters
    headers: # define the HTTP request headers
      "Content-Type": application/json
    body: '{"web": "", "api": "", "name": "github"}' # define the HTTP request body
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
      # the JSON response: {"id": 1}
      code: 201 # the expect HTTP response code
      contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
        type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
        array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
        validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
          and: # support *and* or *or* operator
            - $.id: 1 # the JSON path and expect value
Load the HTTP request body from file
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
      file: create_gh_server2.json # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
Process the request JSON before sending with JavaScript
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
      file: create_gh_server2.json # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
      # use the JavaScript to update the name
      script: |
        let data = JSON.parse(body) = 'test2'
Upload a file
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
      file: file_2_upload.tar.gz # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
      uploadFile: true # indicate to upload the file directly, this will ignore the script
Reference another test case request definition
- desc: the test case description
  enabled: true # indicate whether this test case is enabled or not, by default, it's true
  name: create # this defines a name for the test case, a named test case allow to reference this test case's request and response data in later test case
  environment: # define the test case environments
    API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api/rest
  requestRef: create # this test case will use the HTTP previous request definition **create**
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    code: 400 # the expect HTTP response code
    contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
      type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
      array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
      validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
        - contain("UNIQUE constraint failed:", $.errorMessages[0].message): true

HTTP Response definition

JSON response body validation
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # the JSON response: {"entryCount": 1, "entries": [{"id":1}]}
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
    contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
      type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
      array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
      validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
        and: # support *and* or *or* operator
          - $.entryCount: 1 #
          - len($.entries): 1
          - $.entries[0].id: ${} # use ctx.create to reference a named test case, resp is the response object
Don't use validators
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
    contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
Validate the JSON array or object length
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
    contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
      type: JSON
      length: 2 # the JSON object has 2 keys
Validate the JSON with JavaScript
- desc: the test case description
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
    contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
      type: JSON
      // use variable body to access the HTTP response JSON object
      script: if (body.entries[0].name != 'github') {
          throw new Error("invalid name")
Validate the large file response
- desc: large file response
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/file/download?fileId=1
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
      type: file
      max: 1 # file max size
      min: 0 # file min size
      length: 2 # file exact size
      sha256: file expect sha 256
Validate the plain text response
- desc: validate HTTP plain response
  # other fields omit
    # request definition
    url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/file/1/info
    method: GET
  response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
    # only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
    code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
      type: plain
      length: 2 # string length
      regex: ^hello\s+world$ # go regex

Test Suite

A Tests suite must have 1 test case at least.

name: github_api # test suite name
  - xxx # dependency test suites, this must be used with test plan
type: suite # mandantory
enabled: true # default is true
environment: # define the environment for all its test cases
  API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api
  API_TOKEN: some_token
global: # dynamic
  headers: # global HTTP headers
    Authorization: Bearer ${env.API_TOKEN}
    Content-Type: application/json
  dataDir: ./data # where to find the test data
  apiPrefix: ${env.API_PREFIX} # it will be auto expand the test case url use this varaible
  - desc: list github servers
    enabled: true # default is true
    name: list
      url: github # dynamic
      method: GET # default is get
      code: 200 #
      contentType: application/json
        type: JSON
        array: false # json array or not, default is false
        length: 0 # json array length

Test Plan

A test plan must have at least 1 test suites

name: rest test plan # name
type: plan # mandantory
enabled: true # default is true
environment: # define the environment for all its test suites, they will be overriden by test suite or test case envrionments
  API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api
  API_TOKEN: some_token
    Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}
    Content-Type: application/json
  dataDir: ./data # where to find the test suite and test data
  - rest_test_suite # test suite name without file extension

Test Report

After the test execution completed, it will generate the test report as a yaml file.


The plan report will be only avaliable when running with a test plan.

type: plan
name: test plan
status: Completed
executionTime: 123
totalTime: 12
error: xxx
    - name: rest test suite
      status: Completed
      executionTime: 123
      totalTime: 12
      error: xxx
          - desc: list github servers
            name: xxx
            status: Passed
            executionTime: 123
            totalTime: 12
            error: xxx
          - desc: create github server
            status: Passed
            executionTime: 123
            totalTime: 12
            error: xxx

Test Execution Logs

The application will write every HTTP request with,

  • HTTP request

    • URL
    • Method
    • Headers
    • Body

    May don't have body.

  • HTTP Response

    • Status
    • Headers
    • Body

A typical exectuion log example.

ls 2024-08-28_20-32-18
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_request.txt
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_response.txt
  • 1_1_1_list github servers(list)_request.txt

    HTTP request log. The 1_1_1 is the plan ID, suite ID and test case ID, plus the test case description, test case name if have.

  • 1_1_1_list github servers(list)_response.txt

    HTTP response log.

  • report.yml

    The report file.

  • rest_test.log

    Execution logs.
