The rest-test
command line tool is used to test and validate REST API.
based test definition and validation- Test Plan -> Test Suite -> Test Case
- Optimized for JSON, file and plain response body
- JSON response Body value filter
- Support JSON path value filter
- Support gval expression
- Customized gval operators
convert a number, boolean value to stringint
convert a number string to intfloat
convert a number string to floatbool
convert a number, string, list and map to boollen
get length of a string, a map or a slice/arraycontain
check whether an element in a list or map. Check whether a string is a substring of another string
to evaluate valuesYAML
Download the latest release from rest release.
./rest -h
Usage of ./rest:
-level string
log level. levels: debug, info(default), warn, error (default "info")
-logPath string
log path
-plan string
a test plan
-suite string
a test suite
JSON Path, gval
, JavsScript and Validators
JSON path and gval
are only used in the key of validators.
JSON path can be used to get JSON value.
You can check it here JSON Path specification.
You can test it here JSON Path Test. You need write a JSON and click
, then you'll see the JSON path field. -
GO's JSON path implementation PaesslerAG/jsonpath is integrated with PaesslerAG/gval, so we can use both the functionalities from JSON path and
. -
JavaScript is based on dop251/goja, it used to process HTTP request/response body, environment variable value expand, and validators value expand
Validators is a JSON based JSON path validators, the syntax is like below.
YAML# top level is a list, then it will be converted to {"and": [...,...]} validators: - $.id : ${} - len($.child): 5
Each validator key will be handled with
, JSON path and customized operators. Each validator value will be expaned with JavaScript.The above equals to the following.
YAML# top level is a list, then it will be converted to {"and": [...,...]} validators: and: - $.id : ${} - len($.child): 5
A complex example.
Rest API test supports test plan, test suite and test case.
- Test minial execution is test suite
- Test plan contains one or more test suites
- Test suite contains one or more test cases
Test case define a minial execution unit, including
- The HTTP request definition
- The HTTP response validation definition
Test Case
HTTP Request Definition
Here is a simple Test Case definition with static body
- desc: create a github server # the test case description
enabled: true # indicate whether this test case is enabled or not, by default, it's true
name: create # this defines a name for the test case, a named test case allow to reference this test case's request and response data in later test case
environment: # define the test case environments
API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api/rest
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github # the HTTP Request URL, it supports environment expand. For example: ${API_PREFIX}/github. Where API_PREFIX is an environment variable `API_PREFIX=http://localhost:8080/api/rest`.
method: POST # define the HTTP method
name: xxx # the URL parameters
headers: # define the HTTP request headers
"Content-Type": application/json
body: '{"web": "", "api": "", "name": "github"}' # define the HTTP request body
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# the JSON response: {"id": 1}
code: 201 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
and: # support *and* or *or* operator
- $.id: 1 # the JSON path and expect value
Load the HTTP request body from file
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
file: create_gh_server2.json # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
Process the request JSON before sending with JavaScript
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
file: create_gh_server2.json # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
# use the JavaScript to update the name
script: |
let data = JSON.parse(body) = 'test2'
Upload a file
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
file: file_2_upload.tar.gz # you can define the data directory to find the file in test suite or test plan level
uploadFile: true # indicate to upload the file directly, this will ignore the script
Reference another test case request definition
- desc: the test case description
enabled: true # indicate whether this test case is enabled or not, by default, it's true
name: create # this defines a name for the test case, a named test case allow to reference this test case's request and response data in later test case
environment: # define the test case environments
API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api/rest
requestRef: create # this test case will use the HTTP previous request definition **create**
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
code: 400 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
- contain("UNIQUE constraint failed:", $.errorMessages[0].message): true
HTTP Response definition
JSON response body validation
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# the JSON response: {"entryCount": 1, "entries": [{"id":1}]}
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
type: JSON # the HTTP response body must be a JSON object
array: false # whether the JSON is a JSON array
validators: # gval and JSON path based JSON validators
and: # support *and* or *or* operator
- $.entryCount: 1 #
- len($.entries): 1
- $.entries[0].id: ${} # use ctx.create to reference a named test case, resp is the response object
Don't use validators
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
Validate the JSON array or object length
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
type: JSON
length: 2 # the JSON object has 2 keys
Validate the JSON with JavaScript
- desc: the test case description
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/github
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
contentType: application/json # the expect HTTP response context type
type: JSON
// use variable body to access the HTTP response JSON object
script: if (body.entries[0].name != 'github') {
throw new Error("invalid name")
Validate the large file response
- desc: large file response
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/file/download?fileId=1
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
type: file
max: 1 # file max size
min: 0 # file min size
length: 2 # file exact size
sha256: file expect sha 256
Validate the plain text response
- desc: validate HTTP plain response
# other fields omit
# request definition
url: http://localhost:8080/api/rest/file/1/info
method: GET
response: # any of the expect filed is not matched will fail the test case
# only validate the HTTP response code and contextType
code: 200 # the expect HTTP response code
type: plain
length: 2 # string length
regex: ^hello\s+world$ # go regex
Test Suite
A Tests suite must have 1 test case at least.
name: github_api # test suite name
- xxx # dependency test suites, this must be used with test plan
type: suite # mandantory
enabled: true # default is true
environment: # define the environment for all its test cases
API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api
API_TOKEN: some_token
global: # dynamic
headers: # global HTTP headers
Authorization: Bearer ${env.API_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json
dataDir: ./data # where to find the test data
apiPrefix: ${env.API_PREFIX} # it will be auto expand the test case url use this varaible
- desc: list github servers
enabled: true # default is true
name: list
url: github # dynamic
method: GET # default is get
code: 200 #
contentType: application/json
type: JSON
array: false # json array or not, default is false
length: 0 # json array length
Test Plan
A test plan must have at least 1 test suites
name: rest test plan # name
type: plan # mandantory
enabled: true # default is true
environment: # define the environment for all its test suites, they will be overriden by test suite or test case envrionments
API_PREFIX: http://localhost:8080/api
API_TOKEN: some_token
Authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}
Content-Type: application/json
dataDir: ./data # where to find the test suite and test data
- rest_test_suite # test suite name without file extension
Test Report
After the test execution completed, it will generate the test report as a yaml
The plan report will be only avaliable when running with a test plan.
type: plan
name: test plan
status: Completed
executionTime: 123
totalTime: 12
error: xxx
- name: rest test suite
status: Completed
executionTime: 123
totalTime: 12
error: xxx
- desc: list github servers
name: xxx
status: Passed
executionTime: 123
totalTime: 12
error: xxx
- desc: create github server
status: Passed
executionTime: 123
totalTime: 12
error: xxx
Test Execution Logs
The application will write every HTTP request with,
HTTP request
- Method
- Headers
- Body
May don't have body.
HTTP Response
- Status
- Headers
- Body
A typical exectuion log example.
ls 2024-08-28_20-32-18
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_request.txt
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_response.txt
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_request.txt
HTTP request log. The
is the plan ID, suite ID and test case ID, plus the test case description, test case name if have. -
1_1_1_list github servers(list)_response.txt
HTTP response log.
The report file.
Execution logs.
- gh-webhook API Test